Sun Mountain - C-130
- Sun MountainThe C-130 works well on a motorized cart and also on a pull cart. Removing the shoulder strap allows the back to cradle nicely on pull carts. The 2005/6 design even modified the top of the bag so now you can switch the drivers with the wedges so you don't have the blades banging into your graphite shafts on the bag tilt when you use the pull cart.
tampagolf - 6/1/13
Light weight, 15 slots for clubs, pockets easily accessible, handles on top for easy handling
Light weight, 15 slots for clubs, pockets easily accessible, handles on top for easy handling
Kingshott - 7/15/10
With this bag, you're ready for the tour. Easy access to every pocket.
With this bag, you're ready for the tour. Easy access to every pocket.
Jsamwilliams - 12/20/09
Great cart bag. Lots of pocket to carry eveything you might need on the golf course.
Great cart bag. Lots of pocket to carry eveything you might need on the golf course.
NCDOTGolfer - 11/18/21
aaavery - 9/21/21
Howgolf - 6/28/21
Gorbous - 10/14/20
RDShows2 - 6/20/20
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 879
Average Handicap: 13.8
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